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Building Strong Communities

The United Way/High River Partnership is committed to supporting the development and overall capacity of local nonā€profit organizations within High River. For more than a decade the organization has offered capacity building grants in the areas of Successful Kids, Overcoming Poverty
Building Strong Communities.

The UW/HR Partnership funds programs and initiatives that directly support the residents of High River. In 2017, $75,000.00 was invested into the community. Programs such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Foothills Special Needs Association for Parents & Siblings (SNAPS), Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society, Rowan House Branches Program, Foothills AIM Society, Roots of Empathy, Literacy for Life, the Boys and Girls Club, the Food for Thought Program, and the No Student Goes Hungry Program received funding to continue their important work. By keeping donations local, we are building healthier, stronger communities for everyone.

Every dollar raised in High River, stays in High River.

The United Way/High River Partnership is comprised of community volunteers and one Town of High River appointee. Each year, our UW/HR Partnership receives a lump sum payment from the United Way of Calgary and Area (for the amount of $44,500) with the commitment that the UW/HR Partnership will participate in annual fundraising initiatives. At the beginning of each year, local agencies are invited to apply for funding and it is the UW/HR Partnership who makes the decisions on funding allocations.