Quality of life is an individual’s perception of their experiences, goals, expectations and standards of1 living in High River. These experiences include:
The connections citizens make with one another, agencies, and businesses.
The exploration and enjoyment of natural environment such as our parks, green spaces, and pathways.
The opportunity to experience or express themselves through music, visual arts, performance arts, and culture.

Come join us from 5-8pm for free coffee, snacks and conversation, the second Wednesday of every month!
Health and Well-being
The accessibility of physical and emotional health supports and resources.
Life-long Learning
The chance to learn and share knowledge gifts and talents, through post-secondary education, volunteering, and service opportunities
The ease of fulfilling their own basic needs such as housing, food security, employment and transportation.
The ease of fulfilling their own basic needs such as housing, food security, employment and transportation.
Thriving populations
The opportunities available for every citizen related to their age and diverse backgrounds.
Citizens and community members are welcome to share their thoughts and experiences related to these indicators in a survey released in June of each year. Community groups, agencies and businesses are also encouraged to share any information or data important to the community!
Vital Focus
When there is a need to look more in depth at a few indicators a Vital Focus will be completed. As with the Vital Signs Report this focused publication will combine community member responses with community data to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. Vital Focus’ will be completed when needed. In 2017 a Vital Focus on Business and Economy in High River was completed.
Vital Conversations
We were doing these already! When we signed up to be a part of the Vital Signs community we were already hosting Community Café’s. These are informal gathering of citizens aimed at connecting neighbors, citizens, and community members through conversation about topics that are important to them. Come join us at Carlson’s on McLeod from 5-8pm for free coffee, snacks and conversation, the second Wednesday of every month!