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High River Community Wellness Challenge 2020

2020 marks the 10th year for the High River Community Wellness Challenge.  Considering Covid-19 restrictions, the group wasn’t sure what the future would hold for the challenge.  After much discussion all members felt that this year it was needed more than ever, with a few tweaks and adjustments for our current situation, the challenge will go ahead virtual style and FREE!

The six week challenge has a theme of How’s Your 5?  (Work, Play, Eat, Sleep and Love)  How’s Your 5 is a conversation and connection tool that was created following the tornado in Joplin Missouri.  Two members of the committee are certified in How’s Your 5 training.  The committee also has members that include a certified nutritionist, a registered nurse, a trained chef, a certified yogi, physical fitness trainers and much more.

Throughout the six weeks, your four-person team will be collecting points and competing for some great prizes.   The weekly challenges are geared towards healthier eating, adding in activity, limiting screen time, lowering alcohol and pop in-take, promoting kindness and overall mental health.

The Challenge starts Sunday April 19 – Saturday May 30th, 2020.  On online orientation will be taking place soon on the High River Community Wellness Challenge Facebook Page.  All info sessions and activity updates will be on zoom.  If you don’t have access to a computer you can call (403) 336-2568 to get a printed copy of the challenge.  If you don’t have facebook but do have access to a computer you can email to get the documents emailed to you.

You will find more information on the challenge each week right here in the High River Times and you can tune into local radio for the Wellness Wednesday Tips throughout the challenge.   Everyone is encouraged to sign up and take part.  Sign ups start on Monday April 13th, 2020.