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All Hail the Followers!

Are you ready to join a movement?

A couple of weeks ago we talked about passionate people.

Visionaries and leaders are really important, there’s no denying it.  Where we as a culture have been mistaken, or maybe where we could mature beyond, is that we have made leadership and leaders MORE important than the other players.  No followers mean no leaders.  A crucial role is the wing man – the wind beneath your wings-  the person just off stage who doesn’t like the lime light but gives leaders the oomph they need to make things happen.

Today’s blog is a tribute to the champions, to those whose calling is to support and help to inspire a following.  Have you ever seen those beautiful swarms of birds?

This is what a movement looks like!  We’ve seen it in High River, before; when everyone pitched in to clean out soggy basements, whenever someone does a call to fill the Food Bank and the Hockeyville bid.  All of those started with a few people willing to step in but what really makes the difference is the people who jump in.  When we are all rowing in the same direction there is nowhere we can’t go.

Are you a leader, a champion, or a willing follower ready to pitch in?  Every piece matters. Even the critics and naysayers have an important part to play.  You might see this as an obstacle but every obstacle makes you more flexible – or slows you down so you end up picking up more than you would have otherwise.  Critics make you really look at what you are doing and in defending it you become more resolute, more sure, and movements thrive on certainty.

What movement would you like to see in High River?  What issue or project could really use a group effort to solve or create?  This fun video sums it up perfectly.  High River, do you want to dance?