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10th High River Community Wellness Challenge


Welcome to the 10th High River Community Wellness Challenge.  In light of Covid-19 but we have adjusted the information/sessions and connections online to continue with this annual event in our community.

Our Committee is made up of a group of passionate people who care about health and wellness in High River.  This challenge is fun, made for everyone and will hopefully help you to make some more healthy choices in your life.   Our points system is created fairly no matter the level of physical activity you’re able to do.


How’s your 5 is a conversation deepening tool to check in on your family, friends, neighbours and your own mental health.

It was created following a natural disaster to keep people more connected.  It replaces the simple How are You? I’m Fine conversation.  Dig deeper, connect more.

The five areas are WORK (school), PLAY, EAT, SLEEP, and LOVE (relationships).

Questions can look like… “how are you sleeping these days?”  “How’s work going?” “Are you working?”  “What are you making for meals?”  etc

What is the Wellness Challenge?

· 6 week challenge—from April 19-May 30, 2020

· Register your team of 4 for FREE by emailing the TEAM FORM to or call (403) 336-2568.

· If you want to participate and do not have a team, we will find you a team!  Let us know!

· Prizes for the top 3 teams!

· The top team will be awarded the coveted title of “Wellness Warriors 2020!”

· Accumulate and track points for wellness activities (outlined on next page)

· Daily Points can come from:

· Wellness Points · Bonus Points · Daily maximum of 40 wellness points plus earn up to 10 bonus points for a DAILY TOTAL MAX OF 50 points.

How do you get points?

Wellness (WP) + Bonus Points (BP) = Daily Max Totals

Wellness Points (WP) – 40 Max Daily

Earn up to 40 points per day (MAX)

Each item below is worth 5 Wellness Points—pick & choose how you earn your wellness points from the list below.  Remember, there is a daily maximum of 40 WP.  (unless you do the 20 points max in activity then you can only get 20 points daily max from the rest of the list)

*  Physical Activity For Adults ages 18+ years

15 minutes = 5 pts (daily max of 20 pts)

For Children up to 17 years 30 minutes = 5 pts (daily max of 20 pts)

* Screen free night ( between the hours of 5pm-12 am)  —5 pts

* Eat a homemade meal—5 pts

* Day without alcohol, pop or tobacco , vaping and nonmedicinal cannabis -5 pts

* Drink water—adults 6 cups, kids 3 cups  (1 cup = 250 mls or 8 ounces)-5 pts

* Eat vegetables and/or fruit  with every meal -5 pts

* Enjoy a good night’s sleep (in your opinion) -5 pts

* Self-care, spend time in a self-care activity – 5 pts

(eg: reading, writing, hobby, meditation, bath, facemask, colouring etc)

* Perform a random act of kindness – 5 pts

Daily Bonus Points (BP) – 10 Max Daily

Earn up to 10 bonus points per day (MAX):

* Share the Challenge information on your social media (use #hrwellnesschallenge and tag @highrivercommunitywellnesschallenge on facebook) – 5 pts

* “Attend” a virtual/online event/class/activity promoting health and wellness excluding the information session—5 pts

* Have a How’s Your 5? (Virtual/Online/Text Conversation —5 pts

Additional points can be earned by:

* Watching Wellness Challenge Information Sessions online. (schedule on next page) – 5pts for each session attended— to get the points you have comment on session and share it on your social media.

 How to report your points?


Each team member keeps track of their own weekly points and sends them to their Team Captain each week for reporting.


The Team Captain (only) will send an email to each week by Wednesday at NOON with the Team Name and Weekly Total.

(Or Captain can call/Text the info to 336-2568)

Wellness Points (WP) + Bonus Points (BP) = Daily Max Totals

Personal Score Card—report to the team captain at the end of each week.


Questions or support contact Us:


Phone:               403-336-2568

Text:                  403-336-2568

Facebook:        High River Community Wellness Challenge Page

Instagram:       @ourhighriver (they are letting us take over their account for the challenge)


MAIN Info Sessions

April 13               11am @ The High River Community Wellness Challenge FB PAGE

START                  Orientation

April 22              7pm @ Facebook Page LIVE (then later on youtube)

WORK                 Ok! Working From Home.

April 29               7pm  @ Facebook Page LIVE (then later on youtube)

LOVE                    Using Nature for Self Care

May 6                7 pm @ Facebook Page LIVE (then later on youtube)

Mental                Dirt—Your Mental Health Companion with Darlene




May 13            7pm @ Facebook Page LIVE (then later on youtube)

PLAY                 Staying Active at Home with Zumba


May 20            7 pm @ Facebook Page LIVE (then later on youtube)

SLEEP                 Bedtime Stories and Mindful Wind Down

May 27         7pm  @ Facebook Page LIVE (then later on youtube)

EAT                     Stress Eat  – the Healthy Way!

June 10              7 pm @ Zoom

Awards!            Virtual/Online Awards night


*** Stay tuned to the High River Community Wellness Challenge Facebook Page for additional information sessions you can catch throughout the weeks.   Topics include: meal prepping, working out with items in your house, learn to run: couch to 5KM and more!

Virtual/Online Awards Night

When: Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Prizes will be awarded!

The Wellness Warriors will be crowned!

¨ First Place:     $200 ( 4 x $50 local gift cards)

¨ Second Place:              $120 (4 x $30 local gift cards)

¨ Third Place:                $  80 (4 x $20 local gift cards)

Awards based on total combined points over 6 weeks.